Tuesday, August 18, 2009

new posts coming soon. I have to do a little revamping. maybe I'll start blogging about fashion alongside life's intricacies. stay tuned!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

So here it goes...

life has been quite peculiar in my last year or so. who would have thought that i would have to face such circumstances? right out of high school I would have never been able to predict such an outcome. just as many of you may have experienced already, much of what you do seems to be in vain. by that i mean that you go out of your way to accomplish, get rid of, or maintain that piece of mind, things decide to go all haywire. finally this breezy mood of yours is turned Topsy turvey as it would a breaking news story. there's this rush, this urgency to um. panic. you are then suddenly removed from any feeling of well-being and take another small step towards insanity. why don't things ever seem to go right? ever? among dealing with this anomaly many call life, other things start to either flourish or rot. it may be a new career, relationship, or opportunity, it may not be. whatever. many things "life" may throw at you may include struggle, strife, tragedy, just to name a few, but what happens when you reach the 'end' of this tunnel turned black hole? do you proceed with caution or just... jump? does this mean that it is all just finished, as in terminated? or has something just begun. is it hope? is it disappointment? what in the world is it?! this path called life can take you on an unforgettable journey just as it can end, terminate. cease. never knowing where this path will end, would one just go for the walk or quit while they are ahead? is your life mapped out like in the Thomas guide or Google or is there some undiscovered territory? hmmm... I'll take my time to ponder these questions (in another post) and possibly the answers as i leave you with your own thoughts...